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Scientific research results 2020-10-13
Vegetation changes and climate shift during the latest Ladinian (Middle Trias... 2023-09-07
The Carnian Pluvial Event is the most important global environmental event du...
Fruitful research on man-land relationship in the early Holocene in Northeast... 2020-10-19
​      实验室生物考古及第四纪环境研究团队汤卓炜、张全超等依据我国东北迄今所...
Important progress in ancient DNA and bioarchaeological research 2020-10-19
​        实验室古DNA研究方向崔银秋研究组(含吉林大学边疆考古中心)与德国马普...
3. Volcanic rocks in Songliao Basin: New understandings and new applications ... 2020-10-19
​      实验室化石能源及其形成环境研究团队王璞珺、高有峰等,依据松辽盆地国际...
Research on the classification and paleoecological study of Pterosaurs in Jeh... 2020-10-19
​        吉大翼龙(Jidapterus)是2003年由吉林大学客座教授董枝明教授与吉林大...
The Earth Environment and Biological Evolution since the Late Paleozoic 2020-10-13

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